Gestures one should show and avoid during an interview


A movement of the part of the body is known as gestures expressing an idea or meaning. Interviewers observe for these gestures, especially hand or head gestures, during an interview. These are the different non-verbal gestures that could make you or break you:



  • Looking poised


Looking professional and with an open stance is important at the very onset of the interview as it signals geniality and integrity. Starting off with a handshake would speak of self-confidence. It is usually a test at the beginning for the employer to gauge if you’re fit for the job or not. It’s important to act naturally as appearing weak shows you’re easily imposed on, but manifesting too strong would strongly suggest that you’re trying too hard.


  • Fidgeting


Fidgeting is observed when one becomes uneasy or uncomfortable. Some would make small movements through nervousness or impatience. Examples of these gestures are twirling your hair, tapping your fingers or swinging your crossed leg back and forth.


  • Eye Contact


Maintaining eye contact plays a significant role in communicating since it shows the interviewer that you’re not intimidated and you’re taking everything in. Avoiding eye contact on the other hand may imply that you’re being invasive or you’re not paying attention at all. Try to look at the bridge of the interviewer’s nose if it would really be hard for you to look directly into the eyes as it gives the impression of making eye contact.


  • Folded Arms


Some would unconsciously fold their arms across their chest during a conversation especially when listening. This conveys defensiveness and disinterest in the discussion. It takes awareness to one’s gestures in correcting it. As an alternative, practice leaning slightly forward and resting your elbows on the arms of your chairs.


  • Slouching


We often slouch as a habit or when we become too tired, but this should not show off during an interview. Having poor posture does not only cause problems including back pain but also reflects the weariness you are experiencing with the job hunting process – we don’t want to show our employers that we’ve been out of work for a long time. However, adopting to a stiff pose looks unnatural and the discomfort would distract you from giving your best responses. It is suggested to sit straight, lean a bit or be in a comfortable position that would allow you to be at your best.


  • Strong Finale


The last part of an interview is wrapping up. Should it have been concluded; stand up, make eye contact and shake hands with the interviewer. Thank the interviewer for his/her time as a sign of being courteous. It is not a strategy to winning the job posting, but simply having plain good manners.


These are only six gestures commonly observed and practiced in an interview, but there’s a lot more. Your body language is just a sugar coating and your interviewer will recall you from it, but the most significant prerequisite for you to get the job would be the content of your answers to the questions.

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